Data Structure in Typescript

Data structures are essential for organizing, managing, and storing data efficiently in programming. In TypeScript, data structures become even more powerful with the help of its strong typing system. This blog explores how various data structures are implemented in TypeScript, providing detailed explanations, use cases, and TypeScript code examples for each.

How TypeScript's Typing System Enhances Data Structures

TypeScript’s type system provides strict type-checking at compile-time, reducing errors and enhancing the reliability of data structures. This helps ensure that only correct types are used when implementing operations on the data structures, adding an extra layer of safety to the code.

Commonly Used Data Structures in TypeScript

1. Arrays

  • Definition: Arrays are used to store a collection of elements of the same type.

  • Key Features: Indexed, fixed order, dynamic resizing.

  • Use Cases: Storing lists of items, processing collections in sequence.


2. Tuples

  • Definition: Tuples are fixed-length arrays where each element can have a different type.

  • Key Features: Fixed size, mixed types.

  • Use Cases: Grouping related data of different types.

  • Time Complexity: Similar to arrays.


3. ArrayList (Dynamic Arrays)

  • Definition: An ArrayList allows for dynamic resizing, automatically adjusting its size when adding or removing elements.

  • Key Features: Dynamic, automatically resizes.

  • Use Cases: Managing growing collections.


4. Stack

  • Definition: A stack follows the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle.

  • Key Features: Push (add), Pop (remove), Peek (view top element).

  • Use Cases: Undo operations, recursive algorithms.

5. Queue

  • Definition: A queue follows the First In First Out (FIFO) principle.

  • Key Features: Enqueue (add), Dequeue (remove).

  • Use Cases: Task scheduling, buffering.

6. LinkedList

  • Definition: A linked list consists of nodes, where each node contains data and a reference to the next (or previous) node.

  • Key Features: Dynamic size, efficient insertions/deletions.

  • Use Cases: Implementing stacks/queues, memory management.

7. HashMap (Map)

  • Definition: A key-value pair data structure that allows efficient lookups.

  • Key Features: Fast search, insert, delete operations.

  • Use Cases: Database indexing, caching.

8. Set

  • Definition: A set stores unique values, eliminating duplicates.

  • Key Features: Fast membership checks, no duplicates.

  • Use Cases: Removing duplicates, checking membership.

9. Tree (Binary Search Tree)

  • Definition: A tree consists of nodes where each node has a value and references to its children.

  • Key Features: Ordered data, efficient searching.

  • Use Cases: Hierarchical data, search operations.


TypeScript Handbook - Basic Types

MDN Web Docs - JavaScript Data Structures

GeeksforGeeks - Data Structures in TypeScript

TypeScript - Arrays

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures